People says the best life is of that person who live for others.
But what a person can do if he or she don't live for himself or herself.
How can a person careless about his or her own life do for others when he or she can't even think or care for himself.
Person's life for others start after learning to live for himself or herself.
If a person is happy , he or she can share that happiness but if a person is sad he or she don't have happiness to share, but if a person can fake he or she can share or spread happiness and that happiness is called a fake.
sometimes its very important to be fake as you don't wanna share or let others know that you are feeling low or sad.
Everyone has this fake smile or the mask on his her face only because they don't want to give tension to people who care for them.
Living for others gives immense happiness but remember if you live for others at the cost of your own happiness, it will take you the intricate situation, you'll smile as well as you'll cry at the same moment.
But God knows everything, where you are right and where you are wrong.
so be happy let it be fake or real , just spread happiness.
GOD will bless you :-)