Realization means to realize, it may be realizing about a thing, person, advantages, disadvantages, postivities, negativities and the most important is the SELF-REALIZATION.
In life it doesn't matters if you realize something about thing but what matters and values is the realization of an individual. I'm not here talking about something idiotic, something non sense about the realization of person's physical attributes or structure but about the person's inner conscience , values, soul, integrity,principles, ethics, sense of right and wrong.
People have the capability to face toughest storm or any other situation but it requires really a strong and a rigid heart to face self realization when someone realizes his or her peccancy, sins.
Someone dis regards relations, people's feelings, emotions, respect. At that moment they forget when life teaches "tit for tat" , it will be very hard to realize what they did in the past and they have to pay for that in present or future.
Realization can shake person's faith,confidence,emotion and the person himself totally and leave him or her broken to learn a lesson. Also this realization can make a person bold enough to stand and win and get success.
It can rejoin a person's heart , faith and lead to new heights. It can rejuvenate hope in a person, can rise a person up from darkest situations of life.
Realization can take a person from extreme negative to extreme positive and vice versa.
Realization can take a person from extreme negative to extreme positive and vice versa.